July 9, 2012

dreamy monday

Tame Impala gave us a beautiful treat to start the week, their new release Apocalypse Dreams from their upcoming new album Lonerism, set to be released sometime in October this year.

this release is rather aptly named for me, i’ve been in a state of undefined anxiety over the last weekend. i thought i could leave it behind and start a new week afresh, but it seems to be following me. on the plus side i have oodles of nervous energy, so have been hyper constructive.

July 1, 2012

on a sunday

this week may not have been the best week of my life, but when taking a moment to think back on all the bright spots in an otherwise dark week, i am still feeling very blessed. this time last week i went on about how amazing my friends are and this week again i am feeling so overwhelmed with love and appreciation for these people and the impact they have on my life. the days are getting colder and it has rains more than the sun has shone this week, so it’s been the perfect opportunity to take stoke and remember the simple things that made me smile this week, all images taken from my Instagram @remembernow_thisworld

June 29, 2012

could you find a cooler cluster of dolls

i'd like to see you try!
Alison Mosshart, Karen Elson and Alexa Chung at a dinner at the Ritz Paris on January 18th, 2011.

June 26, 2012

présentation de la belle Leith Hatt

mid last week, the ever wonderful Ms Leith Clark (editor of Lula, for those living under a rock) married the dapper as hell Mr James Hatt. the who's who of the fashion pack were in attendnce and the day looked just as magical as every issue of the former Ms Clark's paper baby.
the perfect couple

mary, luella, valentine, tennessee, karen and alexa

leith, kirsten and derek

photo credits go to the Derek Blasberg who is also quite perfect! 

June 24, 2012

on a sunday

there have been so many reasons to smile this week. i am truly blessed to have such amazing friends in my life. while i’ve been left totally exhausted from a full dance card of a week, there is nothing i would change about it. not even the midweek roaring hangovers! here is a snapshot of the week that was from my Instagram account @remembernow_thisworld

June 22, 2012

winter haze

winter solstice was yesterday, the days are going to start getting longer again, but the winter chill happily persists.

i've been taking advantage of the cool change by indulging in oversized cargidganes that almost feel like i'm wearing a blanket when i leave the house, and losing my neck in the volume of my scarves.

i’ve also been indulging in the dreaminess of this song. (how many times is too many times to have just one song on repeat?) it’s so perfect for lazy Sunday mornings under the covers with a good book and a cup of tea. goodness i love winter!

June 19, 2012

only a few will see

a while ago now i posted this about wanting to add some ink to my skin. i thought words were quite poetic, but i’ve since changed my mind, now its triangles that are preoccupying my thoughts.

this was the image that first started me longing.
i don’t want so much visible ink on my arms though, i’ve been thinking about a secret triangle on my hand somewhere. so you can only imagine my joy this morning when i saw Free People had posted this photo to their instagram.
i love it so much! although it is still too visible for me, i want something more private, on the inside of my finger where only a few will see.

June 17, 2012

on a sunday

i thought a nice way to end my week and a pretty way to exercise gratitude would be to collate the photos that make me smile the most my Instagram account @remembernow_thisworld. i’m thinking of making this a weekly post, because i’ve found that it’s all too easy to lose sight of what a charmed life i do actually have.

June 12, 2012

tuesday tunes

it’s windy and cold and there seems to be a chance of rain today. my music mood seems to be affected by this - something easy and laid back to match the weather and not the pace i’m madly trying to keep at work today.

last week Grizzly Bear released the lead track from their yet unnamed new album and i’m a woman obsessed!

where do i start on how i love this song, The Kills nail it, Alison is perfection! did anyone else see her pink hair at the CDFA awards? yeah, Iim still banging on about the whole pink hair!

enjoy. i hope that the afternoon is kind to you.

June 7, 2012

mind your manners

i've just come across the most darling site!

have a look see here. now there is no excuse for poor manners.

June 6, 2012

... anyway

be kind | be happy | do good | anyway

it has been a little while since i've posted anything here, i had a case of the heavy boots and stopped writing for a time.

but that has passed and i'm no longer feeling sorry for myself, because i really do lead a charmed life. for that i am greatful.